Wednesday, 22 February 2012

I Love What You've Done with the Furnace Room

It's doesn't get much more rock 'n roll than this: a Country Living piece involving Ikea duvets, Anthropologie sofas and Deborah Bowness photo-realistic wallpaper. That's right folks, just by clicking here you'll be taken on a tour of rock and roll songbird Neko Case's historic Vermont farm -- "historic" because it dates back to 1787 and not because Neko Case currently owns it. I don't know what to say about it other than her house looks well decorated and it's weird to know that some of the money I've spent on concert tickets might have gone towards something from Ikea and/or Urban Outfitters. And that's weird because the god's honest truth is that if the money I spent on Neko Case/New Pornographer tickets hadn't been spent on those tickets, it very likely would have gone to something at Ikea and/or Urban Outfitters. It just goes to show, everything really does end up where it belongs.

But to recap, we've got a sneak-peak inside Neko Case's house. That's good. It's not quite as good as, say, being invited to her house after a chance encounter with her at the 2008 Austin City Limits festival, but what are you going to do? I tried my best. Anyway, moving on: this whole seeing how indie rock cuties decorate their abodes is becoming a thing. In 2009 Domino magazine did a cover story about a room in Zooey Deschanel's house (and it was a nice room, though by now it's probably been all blinged out using some of that sweet New Girl money). So that's two of my indie rock crushes; Annie Clark and Alexandra Lawn, what do your houses look like?

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