Thursday 23 February 2012

New M. Ward: "Primitive Girl"

Hey, who's your favorite member of She & Him? Get this, mine's Him! I know, weird! She's so cute and funny, her sitcom always delivers, she was in Elf, so-on-and-so-on. But Him is Him, an old fashioned music man responsible for two of the best acoustic-rock records of the aughts, Transfiguration Of Vincent (2003) and Transistor Radio (2005). Plus, let's face it, there's a little over-saturation of She at the moment. She's on the television box every Tuesday night, not to mention those commercials throughout the week; and you can scarcely open a magazine these days without being met by those big adorable doe eyes. Don't get me wrong, I still love her and all. I guess it's just that I could use a little more Him time for a change. And now, finally, my chance has arrived in the form A Wasteland Companion, Him's first solo effort since 2009's Hold Time. The cover art is above. It's worth noting that this is the first Him album to feature his actual likeness on the cover. That's right, he's steppin' out, and we should prepare ourselves for the possibility of a Him sitcom on Fox's upcoming fall roaster. Anywho, we had our first taste of A Wasteland Companion a couple of weeks ago via the delicate "The First Time I Ran Away." We now have our second taste with the slightly more popping tune "Primitive Girl." Give her a whirl over at Stereogum.

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