Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Make-Up Are Making Up!

This should be fun: 90's garage/gospel/soul post-punk shit-kickers The Make-Up have announced they're getting back together for a show in May as part of the Mogwai curated All Tomorrow's Parties festival. While not exactly slackers in the studio (they released four very fine studio albums in their five years of activity), the Washington D.C. band are most legendary today for their live performances, which in addition to loads of energy from frontman Ian Svenonius involved props, scripted shenanigans, and mucho crowd participation -- and in fact their debut album, Destination Love: Live at Cold Rice, is a live album, not technically included in their "studio" efforts. Svenonius has gone on to form some other pretty great bands (Weird Wars and, one of my personal favs, Chain and the Gang), but nothing has quite matched the energy of The Make-Up, so let's hope more shows are announced -- and if this Washington Post interview with Svenonius is any indication then there is at least some hope of this. At any rate, as far as All Tommorrow's Parties is concerned, The Make-Up are the latest addition to a lineup that already features the likes of The Afghan Whigs and the Arches of Loaf -- so, yes, The Reunioning continues.

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